Saturday, May 19, 2012
Bus tours
1. Being there with my super hot hubzy.
2. Running into everyone and their grandmother from our stake.
Except my own grandmother. She was out of town I believe.
3. Finding my Aunt Ruthie and Uncle Russell there! (, not married to each other....Uncle Russell is my other aunt's husband...just to clarify). So neato mosquito. Aunts and uncles give such good hugs. Especially in the temple.
4. The fact that our session was full. Over full, in fact. Guess who stumbled into a session populated almost 100% by senior citizens on a TEMPLE BUS TOUR from UTAH! It was glorious. I guess it's kind of like going on a cruise.....except you're all old. And in a bus. They even had name tags for their street clothes, and were taking all kinds of pictures outside.
Livin' it up.
Didn't even know those things existed.
5. I submit that it is easier to go into a session the first time than it is the second time. First of all, everyone held my hand the first time and told me what to do and where to go every step of the way. For the second time around, however, nobody knew I still didn't have a clue. Going through for somebody else is an entirely different experience, and I was so scared of completely botching it (which I almost did, several times....and I hadn't even made it to the chapel yet). We decided to hold back so that the oldies could have priority seating, so by the time we got to the room there was only one little aisle seat left on one of the back rows, so Darren got to go sit in one of the folding chairs brought in by one of the workers at the very front, next to the male half of the only other couple in the room below the age of 75, and I was in the very back. After I was seated, I thought to myself of how terrified I was because I couldn't remember much of anything from the first time I went. "Surely these ladies are all grandmas. If nothing else, they're in the temple, so they can't be mean to me." I leaned over to the one next to me and tapped her elbow. She smiled oh-so-sweetly and I said, "This is only my second time (to which she interrupted with "Oh how wonderful!"), so if you see me struggling, please help me." Lots of smiles were exchanged between her, the lady next to her, and myself, so I felt comfortable enough.
Angels that they are, they did help me in my more confused moments. Bless them.
6. The lady in front of me was apparently hard of hearing. Her neighbor had to shake her arm anytime she needed to be aware of what was going on.
7. The lady three seats to my right fell asleep. Either that, or she snores in a conscious state.
8. Being there with my super hot hubzy. I sure married a good guy.
In other news:
Darren's military ID expired back in April, which has been an inconvenience to the both of us because A) he can't really do everything he needs to with it, and B) did you know those suckers will get you through toll booths for free? Yeah. I know, it's totally awesome. So yesterday on our trek out to H-town we procured a new one. His picture is significantly more handsome than the one he got at boot camp, and he wore his uniform all morning, which means I got to look at him in his uniform all morning. Rrrrrowwwwrr.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
I should be sleeping...
1. Cyber vent: my neck I killlling me right now, hence why I am blogging on my phone instead of sleeping.
2. I'm also in a less than cheerful mood, which means my neck pain is also making me angry.
3. I have a lot to do to get ready for school...totally not prepared. Pray for me!
4. Mr. Hottie needs to renew his military ID, so we are both taking Friday off in order that we may go to Houston together and enjoy a day date of military stuff and going to the temple. We haven't been able to go since our wedding, so we may or may not be a teensy bit excited.
5. Darren is so adorable. I am forever glad that we are together and that he is such a good husband, and I'm so grateful for how hard he works and the sweet favors he does for me at home that make my domestic to-do list a little shorter.
You might say I worship the ground he walks on.
But do not worry, that doesn't keep me from ripping out the rug underneath him occasionally. Gotta keep ol' boy on his toes =)
Friday, May 11, 2012
The bad and the good
Sad day.
2. Tomorrow is the 50th wedding anniversary celebration for one of our patients and her husband. She gave our office an official invitation (my name is among those listed on the envelope), so I am quite honored and will definitely try to be there. She is pretty much the picture of grace. Makes me sick. Coworker Courtney and I are both in disgusted awe of her, but we love her so whatever. Somebody has to be perfect, right?
3. Darren has been called as the Priest quorum instructor. As a youth group has-been, this is my perfect in! I love going to youth activities but I do not want a calling with them, and this is the perfect solution. I'm sure he'll be asked to chaperone dances and stuff on occasion....basically, I couldn't be more pleased.
4. We have another new massage therapist here at the office. I haven't gotten on her schedule yet, but she did attack my face yesterday with an aaaaaamazing face massage and hot towels and oils and stuff to help my sinuses. It was stupendous, and this from a person who hates to have people massage her face. I have high hopes.
5. The season finale (I assume it was the finale...) of Parks and Recreation was last night. I watched it this morning while eating my breakfast, and I won't spoil the episode for you, but I'm not ashamed to say it made me tear up. I didn't see that coming.
6. I only have two weeks left at my museum job. Hallelujah! I'm ready to be finished there and get my Saturdays back.
7. I would really appreciate an invite to look at your blog Anne-Marie....cough cough. Tell your husband to get that for me, por favor =)
8. I hope you all have a good weekend!
Friday, May 4, 2012
TMI, etc
2. This might be TMI (and I'm saying it anyway...I'm so classy), but I loathe my girlie week so much I am considering getting myself knocked up and staying that way for the next 15 years or this point it just seems like pregnancy would be more comfortable.
3. I made myself an egg for breakfast this morning. It was teetering on the threshold of tasting-good-enough-to-consume-without-vomiting and tasting putrid. I really wish I knew how to make tasty eggs.
4. I have been thinking about it, and I have come to this conclusion: we give way too much credit to the people who try to "hold us back" or "put us down" or what have you. We view our successes in terms of "I'll show them" more often than in terms of how grateful we are for the people who supported us. If we're going to be successful for anyone other than ourselves, then why not make it worth the while of the people who are on our side and give credit where it is actually due? I think we'd be happier.
And I would see less "I'm a victim!" stati on Facebook.
5. Not that we can't show people who's boss, but I would love to see more of a balance.
6. I find myself thinking alot about NYC whenever I watch TV shows like Castle and when looking at her blog. Very jealous, I am.
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March 2011 |
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
I don't update enough
Anyway, to update you on life for the blissful newlyweds:
- I looooove our Sunday afternoon naps. It is such a delightfully guilt free time to sleep. AKA, the only time he will let me sleep while the sun still shines without accusing me of laziness. It's hard to accuse someone when you're sleeping yourself...
- On that note, our apartment is looking much more livable since my
slave driverloving husband forced me out of bed at 6:30 Saturday morning to blitz the apartment. To his credit, I am very proud of the progress we made and am happy to not have so many to-dos hanging over my head now. However, Mrs. Brown was none so pleased at the time. I don't think he bargained for the amount of whining he encountered, but never fear, the man has a heart of stone when he cares to. - Even though it would mean the end of the show, if this season of "Once Upon a Time" ends without Emma having defeated the queen I will scream. I'm ready for the happy ending already!
- Two of our little plant cells have tiny green shoots coming up. I don't know if they are the flowers or tomatoes however, because Mr. Brown didn't label them.
- He didn't label them because he knew it would torture me. Until further notice I choose to believe and celebrate the fact that my plants are growing and his aren't. That'll show him...
- Our taigu died. Poor little guy. I didn't expect to feel sad about it, but I kind of do. I can't help but think he was assissinated by a hired hitman. The bearded dragon has had it out for him in the interest of inheriting his huge tank. That's motive for murder if ever I heard any.
- I am beyond ready to get my new driver's license in the mail. I'm excited because first of all, it is a new license. I haven't had a new one in almost six years, and I am sick of the old picture and the crease in it from that time I left it in my back pocket...
- Second, it has my new name on it =)
- It is officially "summer hot" outside today. It smells like it, and feels like it. I want to go swimming SO BAD!
- This Saturday marks our 6 weekivarsary. How is it that the 6 weeks leading up to the wedding drag on forever compared to the 6 weeks after the wedding? Has it been that long already? I suppose it has.
- Mr. Brown fell asleep in less than 20 seconds last night. Poor man was tuckered out...he's so cute when he's sleeping. I spent the next hour and fifteen minutes waiting to fall asleep myself by alternating between watching him, playing on Facebook, and going to the potty.
- I love being married to him. He is my best friend ever, and I absolutely love sharing lives. As miserable as it can be at times, I even love figuring each other out and learning how to get along when we disagree. And I even kind of miss being bugged by his annoying habits when he isn't around. That's how much I love him ;-)
- P.S. he'll be gone this weekend. Girls night in! Anyone who wants to can come. Right now it's just me and possibly Leslie Knope, but if you want to come eat cookies with us, you are certainly welcome to do so.