Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I don't update enough

How do I know? Because my last several posts are a hundred years long.

Anyway, to update you on life for the blissful newlyweds:
  • I looooove our Sunday afternoon naps. It is such a delightfully guilt free time to sleep. AKA, the only time he will let me sleep while the sun still shines without accusing me of laziness. It's hard to accuse someone when you're sleeping yourself...
  • On that note, our apartment is looking much more livable since my slave driver loving husband forced me out of bed at 6:30 Saturday morning to blitz the apartment. To his credit, I am very proud of the progress we made and am happy to not have so many to-dos hanging over my head now. However, Mrs. Brown was none so pleased at the time.  I don't think he bargained for the amount of whining he encountered, but never fear, the man has a heart of stone when he cares to.
  • Even though it would mean the end of the show, if this season of "Once Upon a Time" ends without Emma having defeated the queen I will scream. I'm ready for the happy ending already!
  • Two of our little plant cells have tiny green shoots coming up. I don't know if they are the flowers or tomatoes however, because Mr. Brown didn't label them.
  • He didn't label them because he knew it would torture me. Until further notice I choose to believe and celebrate the fact that my plants are growing and his aren't. That'll show him...
  • Our taigu died. Poor little guy.  I didn't expect to feel sad about it, but I kind of do. I can't help but think he was assissinated by a hired hitman. The bearded dragon has had it out for him in the interest of inheriting his huge tank. That's motive for murder if ever I heard any.
  • I am beyond ready to get my new driver's license in the mail.  I'm excited because first of all, it is a new license. I haven't had a new one in almost six years, and I am sick of the old picture and the crease in it from that time I left it in my back pocket...
  • Second, it has my new name on it =) 
  • It is officially "summer hot" outside today. It smells like it, and feels like it. I want to go swimming SO BAD!
  • This Saturday marks our 6 weekivarsary. How is it that the 6 weeks leading up to the wedding drag on forever compared to the 6 weeks after the wedding? Has it been that long already? I suppose it has.
  • Mr. Brown fell asleep in less than 20 seconds last night. Poor man was tuckered out...he's so cute when he's sleeping.  I spent the next hour and fifteen minutes waiting to fall asleep myself by alternating between watching him, playing on Facebook, and going to the potty.
  • I love being married to him. He is my best friend ever, and I absolutely love sharing lives.  As miserable as it can be at times, I even love figuring each other out and learning how to get along when we disagree. And I even kind of miss being bugged by his annoying habits when he isn't around. That's how much I love him ;-)
  • P.S. he'll be gone this weekend. Girls night in! Anyone who wants to can come. Right now it's just me and possibly Leslie Knope, but if you want to come eat cookies with us, you are certainly welcome to do so.

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