Friday, May 11, 2012

The bad and the good

1. My huzband left his phone at home. I thought that would inconvenience him more than it would me, but I may be wrong. I can't tell you how many times I've almost sent him a message only to remember that nothing but the coffee table will notice it.

Sad day.

2. Tomorrow is the 50th wedding anniversary celebration for one of our patients and her husband. She gave our office an official invitation (my name is among those listed on the envelope), so I am quite honored and will definitely try to be there. She is pretty much the picture of grace. Makes me sick. Coworker Courtney and I are both in disgusted awe of her, but we love her so whatever. Somebody has to be perfect, right?

3. Darren has been called as the Priest quorum instructor. As a youth group has-been, this is my perfect in! I love going to youth activities but I do not want a calling with them, and this is the perfect solution. I'm sure he'll be asked to chaperone dances and stuff on occasion....basically, I couldn't be more pleased.

4. We have another new massage therapist here at the office. I haven't gotten on her schedule yet, but she did attack my face yesterday with an aaaaaamazing face massage and hot towels and oils and stuff to help my sinuses. It was stupendous, and this from a person who hates to have people massage her face. I have high hopes.

5. The season finale (I assume it was the finale...) of Parks and Recreation was last night. I watched it this morning while eating my breakfast, and I won't spoil the episode for you, but I'm not ashamed to say it made me tear up. I didn't see that coming.

6. I only have two weeks left at my museum job. Hallelujah! I'm ready to be finished there and get my Saturdays back.

7. I would really appreciate an invite to look at your blog Anne-Marie....cough cough. Tell your husband to get that for me, por favor =)

8. I hope you all have a good weekend!

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