Thursday, March 20, 2014

Babies and Puppies

1. Life feels like a whirlwind these days! Emma is growing, growing, growing, aaaaand growing some more! I've been so baffled for the last week or so wondering why I end each day SO tired (like, wayyyyyyy more than usual), but I finally figured it out today. The more active Emma becomes, the more active I've had to be become! Like, seriously, I took her to the park yesterdayy by myself for the first time (don't never occurred to me before then that such an endeavor could be worth it because she's so young still). Monday, I cut the front and side yards. Park + grass cutting = me feeling like I've worked out two days in a row. Woohoo!

2. She is most certainly NOT too young for the park. We had soooo much fun! However, we were filthy afterwards. She found every patch of dirt and sand and had herself a jolly good time. We took a shower after returning home, and then I put her down for a nap. She was out like a lightbulb.

3. She's officially walking! Well, wobbling. She started taking a few steps at a time the other day. She's still not super confident about it, except at the most inappropriate times. She keeps attempting to stand on precariously ledges, such as the porch steps. I'm not super okay with that, but okay.

4. I don't know if I've talked about Spock here on the blog. He is our beautiful Golden Shepherd! His daddy is a pure German Shepherd, and his momma is a pure Golden Retriever. He looks like a black shorter-haired Golden Retriever with Shepherd coloring on his face and legs. His snout is kind of long and narrow. He's a real sweetheart who thinks he is a lap dog. If I sit on the floor AT ALL he climbs right up on my lap and tries to get comfortable (sometimes I let him.....sometimes, I definitely don't ;) ). He still needs a lot of training, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to Neutering Day. I'm not sure when exactly it will happen, but it WILL be within the next two months. I hope I'm not setting myself up for disappointment (I probably am...), but I'm looking forward to the mellow-er version of him that is supposed to be born.

He gets in a trouble a lot, and I lose my temper with him much more than I am happy with, but the dude knows how to communicate sadness. He knows when he's in trouble, which usually softens me up pretty quickly afterwards. Those eyes! Gosh. Anyway, he's handful, but I love witnessing his and Emma's love/hate relationship (nothing but love on his side) ...she's not always so sweet, but he makes her giggle so much, and they will be beeest friends for years!

Oh, also, he's going to be HUGE. He's already a big ol' 4 month old.

5. I went on an ADD cleaning rampage today. The end result? ONE corner of the kitchen is clean and tidy and the fridge is cleaned. The rest of the kitchen and dining room, however, are about 4 times messier than when I began. The stove top is 100% messier than when I began as it now hold about 30 thousand containers of previous dinners and bacterial cultures, carefully grown over the course of about the last 1 to 6 months. Yes, I cleaned out the fridge AT LAST. Go ahead and feel good about yourself for not being as gross as me.

6. I'm up way too late. But I've written a real blog post! I won't tell you that it took me two days to get it written.

Oh wait...


Unknown said...

I still haven't taken Holland to the park by myself - only when I have help with Anna. So, don't feel too bad! It's hard to wrangle busy babies!

And, congrats on your new puppy. Puppies are basically the cutest, most exasperating creatures on the planet. I tell everyone - read anything you can get your hands on by Cesar Milan. I used his techniques with Ellie and they work! :)

Emily said...

Thanks for the tips! I'll have to look into his stuff!