Saturday, October 26, 2013

She just keeps on growing!

1. Bedtime has become an ordeal around here, and that does not make me happy. I've resorted to what Darren has been saying all along, and we are letting Emma cry herself to sleep :( ...I don't let her cry forever, but it's still very hard. Not my favorite. I find myself compensating during the day by being extra affectionate and loving. She still loves me in the morning either way, so I've decided to ignore the stats that say cry-it-out babies grow up to kill people and all that.

2. We visited a pumpkin patch today! The weather was beautiful, and Emma was awesome, per the norm. There are a million things I love about all million pictures we took, so I don't know how I will possibly decide which ones to share with the internet. Darren snapped this one of my cute Wonder Baby and me, and gave Em a thought bubble. Her hand was not casually blocking my mouth, by the way. She swung it up and clutched my face. It was a laugh-worthy moment! You'd have to be there ;)

3. I've been hesitant to say anything on here about it, but I figure things are close enough to official that it wouldn't hurt to share the news (I hope I'm not jinxing us...):

We are buying a house! We will be moving in in about 3ish weeks, and we are super stoked! FINALLY Emma will have her own room, and we will have all the lovely perks of living in a house We will also get all the cruddy parts, but heck... I guess that's part of life. I am having so much fun daydreaming about the future now that I know where it will be located. This particular house is very cute, on a very cute street, and only one block away from one of my favorite places in all of the area: a small town downtown street full of antique shops and other such small businesses. I could spend hours. 

4. Tomorrow is the Primary program presentation in Sacrament Meeting. This makes me VERY happy...and a little nervous. It always makes me giggle like crazy, but with every passing year, it also makes me cry easier. I hate crying in public.

5. I am going to love myself tomorrow morning: I made a stack of pancakes tonight for breakfast tomorrow. Therefore, we will both be able to eat breakfast AND make it to church on time/within 5 minutes of it starting. What what!

6. The recent cold fronts have me happier than a hippo in mud. Since getting pregnant and subsequently delivering the child, my thermostat has undergone some major changes: I get so hot so easily. I also got to wear sexy boots today, which makes me feel like I'm a hot girl from a TV show. 

7. Sometimes I think that if I don't pop out as many kids as possible as quick as I can I will either 1) forget the awesome names I have picked out for them, or 2) have to endure the agony of someone I know snatching my names first (though I no longer tell people the names I have picked out...). 

8. I let Wonder Baby gnaw on a chew of beef jerky tonight, and she gave it her stamp of approval. When I was done letting her drool all over it and me, I rinsed it off under the faucet and ate it (yes, I know I'm disgusting, but I never throw beef jerky away...). Let's just say she has her momma in her, because as soon as I popped it in my mouth she burst into tears. I foresee jerky wars in our future.

9. She cut her first two teeth this week! They grow every day, and their sharpness increases as well. She has chomped down on a certain appendage by which she acquires sustenance a couple of times, but it hasn't become a punishable offence yet (as in, they were isolated incidents). It hurts like heck though! I love to see them when she is laughing a lot. 

10. She is growing too quickly, but I love to see it happen! I can't help but celebrate each difference, accomplishment, and milestone. I love to see comprehension in her eyes, and the wonder of each movement. We have a new game where I put her Legos on my head and launch them off by tilting my head. She loves this! Tonight I pulled my knees up and let her sit between my chest and knees, which put her very close to my face and head. I tilted my head so that the Legos would fall in her lap, and she tried to put them back on my head every time. Yesterday, I was amazed when she started handing them back to me so that I could launch them off again--her first time to "hand" anything to anyone. Her leap in understanding between yesterday and today blows my mind. I'm so proud of my little genius. Babies rock the learning curve. 

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