Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sweet dreams

I don't actually have anything to say.

Which is a little bit of a lie... I have a million things to say.

Thoughts are propelling themselves across my mind in a multitude of random directions and patterns. Organizing them could take days, and the end result would likely make excessively tedious reading material.

I think I'm having one of those Moments of Clarity, wherein I realize that I finally understand something that I've always heard of or been exposed to. It isn't that I can't sleep (because I assure you that if I were to put this laptop away and actually lay my head on my pillow, I would sleep juuuuuuuuuust fine). There a few identified reasons I stay up late, and likely several more that are not identified. One is that I am pretty sure it's genetic. My mom  always stayed up very late. Two, this is MY time... a reason that also reflects my mom's reasoning. Three, I am thinking so many thoughts so rapidly, I feel like my  mind is filing through them, trying to decide which one it wants to land on for sleepy pondering. Fun Fact #546 about me: I am very serious about what I think about before going to sleep. I have a long history of daydreaming favorable scenarios about my future and replaying happy memories from my past. I hate to fall asleep thinking of important things (like, how we are going to pay certain bills, for instance. Problems like that won't go away by me fretting over it during my last precious moments of consciousness each day, so I dismiss them in favor of better thoughts). I hate falling asleep thinking of sad things, or scary things, or embarrassing things.

Anyway, I digress.

I can't let myself settle down until my brain selects whatever it is that it is trying to find.

Sweet dreams, friends.

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