Friday, October 18, 2013

Baby pee, packing boxes, and other random things

It's been a while.

1. Missionaries are so young. I'm having to remind myself more and more that missionary work is in the hands of the Lord, and if He trusts these young.....imbeciles....then I do too. But MAN. When did they become 8th graders?

2. More importantly, when did I become so...old? They really aren't as bad as I perceive them to be.

3. Emma isn't peeing enough. We find out the results of a urine sample on Monday. In the meantime, I am to give her a little water each day in the hopes that it will help (so far it hasn't). On top of that, she seems to have developed a chest cold of some kind. If that doesn't clear up over the weekend, we'll also be going back to the doctor Monday. She sounds way too hoarse, and has a nasty cough.

4. Sick baby means MOODY baby. Lots of cuddles and sweetness, lots of angry and frustrated cuddles, lots of playing and coughing with her toys, and lots of angry tantrums. Sigh.

5. She's been after my phone all day. Every time I take it from her she cries and kicks and fusses about it. Tonight she got my phone, and I didn't notice.....until she turned to give me a gloating smile, that is. I tried to take it from her, but she held on tight. Obviously, I won, but she demonstrated a nice bout of wailing as a result. If only she'd kept the good news to herself....who knows what kind of damage she could have done.

6. Are other babies obsessed with behind the toilet? There are so many other things she could explore while I'm in the loo, but noooo. She has to make a beeline for the back of the toilet every. time. Suffice it to say that my bathroom experiences are rarely relaxing, as I spend the majority of the time kicking and blocking her from her desired destination.

7. We are moving next month (YAY!). We still don't know where we are going, but I have been on the hunt for boxes. And by "on the hunt" I mean that I've been hoping someone would just offer me a million boxes out of the blue and I wouldn't have to do any kind of hunting. A couple of weeks ago I put a personal ad (i.e. cardstock with sharpie penned on it) on the bulletin board by the mailboxes with my phone number indicating that we would be moving soon, and if any new move-ins would be so kind, we would love their boxes. I received THE call today! A family fresh from Australia (cool beans) moved in last week and finished unpacking today. I got a bajillion large, sturdy, the kind they charge big money for, boxes.

8. The only part I secretly like about moving is the beginning of the packing process. It is very exciting to me for some reason. Tomorrow is the day I begin...I confess I want to start tonight, but it is late, and everyone but me is sleeping. Technically, Emma should be the only one asleep since it is barely past 9:30 on a Friday, but my party animal husband passed out on the couch about a half hour ago.

9. I was supposed to go to the temple tomorrow for a big stake Relief Society temple trip, but with Emma under the weather I just can't make myself do it. She needs me. She was super clingy today, and I want her to nurse as much as possible, especially since she seems to be having a fluid intake/output issue. To be honest, I'm relieved as all get out. I was so nervous about leaving her home and being apart for so many hours.  HOW DO PEOPLE DO IT?

10. We purchased Emma's first Christmas present yesterday. It's one of those adorable tiny pianos for elegant children. We found it at an antique shop. We anticipate her walking by then, but even if she isn't, she pulls up on things quite nicely, and she'll walk eventually. She adores any opportunity to bang on piano keys, be it the real piano, her lovely little four-keyed rainbow piano, or the tiny piano that will be hers on Christmas Day (we let her have a go at it when we were at the shop). Girl loves to make noise.

11. For the record, the sticker on the piano marks it as 30 years old. Darren is 17 months away from being antique. Mwahahahaha.

12. I keep having dreams where my teeth are falling out. According to Google, it means that I am concerned about my appearance. Methinks it is correct. Aside from being appalled at my post-baby body and lack of self-control when it comes to food on a daily basis, I want new hair, and I need new mascara.  The hair needs to be trimmed SO badly, and my bangs need professional doctoring (I hacked them off a few weeks ago...I've lost the touch, apparently, and they turned out terrible). I also keep having harmful thoughts of cutting it into a bob and making it a little less "all over the place", but I know I would regret that intensely. I always do.

13. I'm almost finished with Call the Midwife on Netflix. I love that show too much.

14. I think I've solved the problem of my lack of motivation in regards to keeping house adequately. The solution is simple: I work 9-5, Monday through Friday. After 5 o'clock, anything that isn't baby, basic clutter, or dinner related ceases to matter and is not completed past that time. It will wait for the next day when I "go to work" again. This system serves one main purposes. First, it gives me a small amount of flexible structure to work within, and allows me a deadline that I can view as a symbol of freedom instead of just another deadline in a long line of endless tasks and deadlines. Every job I have ever held had a quitting time: the point at the end of every day when I got to leave "work things" at work and go home for "home things". Thus, I am motivated to be more productive while I am "at work", with the same understanding that, just as with my previous job, things won't always go according to plan, and my to-do list might not be finished. However, the to-do list is still essential, and must be picked up again tomorrow, and if I work like I'm getting paid for it, then things will get done.  When I relax in the evenings, I don't want to feel guilty because there is still so much to be done--THERE IS ALWAYS STUFF TO BE DONE! IT NEVER STOPS! Therefore, I want to be able to enjoy guilt-free relaxation in the evenings. It allows me to feel like I do not have a 'round the clock job, which is splendid for my sanity. So far it seems to be working (3 days now). I expect things to improve.

15. Love y'all. Have a great weekend. Peace out.

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