Thursday, September 12, 2013

Why I hate apartment life

Do you know why I hate living in an apartment?

The same reason I didn't particularly like being 18, 19, or 20.

The same reason I hate when my hair is stuck between short and medium.

The same reason I prefer to let my bread dough cook before I partake (okay, that analogy may be a stretch).


I have this sense of "our life will really start when...". When we have our own space. When we have more space. When we have a yard. When we can paint things the color we want. Etc.

If you have ever been to our apartment, you may have noticed how poorly things are decorated. The truth is that I have such a hard time motivating myself to do all the hard work that goes into decorating just to decorate an apartment. As if.

We've had a move-out date set for nearly 18 months now, which means I am capable of developing senioritis...which means I care less and less.

I crave the independence that comes with having more space/our own space. I crave having more than one bedroom. I crave SPACE.

Pinterest kills me, because I don't have space for 1/100 of the things on there that I would love to have for my home.

Apartment management is also super annoying. So is having to walk a hundred miles just to retrieve my mail. So is having to carry a dang key with me everywhere I go. So is having to give really complex instructions to anyone who wants to visit me so that they can get into our gate and find our apartment.

Also, I hate people, so neighbors more than 3 steps away from my front door would be lovely. Darren and I are prone to hermit-like behavior, so the idea of wiggle room in regards to neighbor proximity is appealing. Like chocolate fudge brownies appealing.


Holli said...

Emily, I totally know what you mean about renting. We are anxious to move and it consumes my daily thoughts. I wish I'd known earlier that there are really wonderful options for first time home buyers that will help you move into a home. You and Darren might not even need a down payment or much in savings! I don't know if you're interested in buying a home or not, but we've discovered that it's actually much cheaper than renting (even taking into account taxes/insurance and home maintenance). If you guys plan to stay here long term, it might be something for you to look into!

Emily said...

We would LOVE to buy a house! We fantasize about it and have explored the option with lenders, but we aren't in a position to do so right now :(

(...unless a super generous owner financer wants to help us out! we are keeping our fingers crossed for that ;))

Holli said...

I hear ya. But, just so you know, you probably wouldn't have to have a down payment or pay closing costs. Of course, you'd be locked down into a home for awhile and you might not be ready for that either. But, I thought I'd share the knowledge if you needed it. I wish I'd known about it earlier in our marriage when we qualified for more programs.

Holli said...

I hear ya. But, just so you know, you probably wouldn't have to have a down payment or pay closing costs. Of course, you'd be locked down into a home for awhile and you might not be ready for that either. But, I thought I'd share the knowledge if you needed it. I wish I'd known about it earlier in our marriage when we qualified for more programs.

Emily said...

Thanks! :)

P.S. I love knowing that someone is still reading this thing! Lol