Friday, October 31, 2014

3rd trimester. And stuff.

  • I've finally reached the beginning of the final stretch of this pregnancy! I swear it's flown by, but the next 12 weeks sure do look intimidating. I feel like that time is going to just crawl on by, with me beside it. You know, since it's only a matter of time before my hips and legs give up on walking altogether.  I seriously seem to end, and occasionally, begin, each day with a shuffle and a limp because things aren't working together quite properly. It hurts. 
  • Emma and I are working on getting her toilet trained. It's so exhausting. So far the plan (which is not the same plan I began with) is to spend a few hours every evening in her training undies and keep a timer set. We go until the few hours are up or she pees in all three undies pairs we have. We've done one day so far. I know the experts say that being "off and on" or "inconsistent" serves to only confuse children and prevent adequate training. They don't know my life.
  • Sleep is so precious these days. Why am I staying up to write a blog post? 
  • I've been struggling a lot with a lack of self-worth lately. The rational side of my brain keeps trying to lecture the struggling side, but the struggling side just keeps giving my rational side the bird. Together, we are making approximately zero progress, but I'm trying to remain optimistic. 
  • I'm so excited with the slowly cooling weather. Give me some cuddle clothes and cuddle temps, stat!
  • I'm also excitedly anticipating a phone call from the library. The 3rd Percy Jackson book is currently checked out, but I have it reserved like an eleven-year old nerd. I just need to finish the series, dang it! 
  • On that subject, I wish they didn't shelve it in the kids side of the library. It makes me feel way less than cool checking out my books just a few shelves away from where Emma's books are located. 

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