Friday, January 25, 2013

My feelings on the matter

1. I am really enjoying this in-between world of not working and waiting for the baby the be born.  I have been making Darren breakfast and packing his lunch all week, and I've come to cherish that part of the day, before the sun even comes up, just sitting over a small breakfast and visiting.  It's almost like late night talks, except he isn't begging me to be quiet so he can sleep =)

I hope this new routine can continue to feel that special after the baby is born.

2. The only thing that has progressed since last week's OB visit is the size of my baby.  She will be a big'n.

3. The doctor wants to see me twice next week. She is still super supportive of me going into spontaneous labor, but has given me the threatening induce-by date.  Not an exact date, but she said 41 weeks is as far as she feels she can safely let me go, and though I might disagree normally, if this baby is really going to be big..............I don't want to go past then either, especially with "narrow" hips. I feel like the further on we go, and the bigger the baby gets, the more likely they will want to cut me.  But I also do not want to be induced, so next week is THE week for attempting natural inductions. I will be 39 weeks then.

4. We are walking fools these days....I know we could be more foolish about it, but I can only go so far before I feel my hips start to disintegrate and it becomes vital to rest until the next day. However, I'm limping less after every walk, so that is a good thing. Maybe I can walk the next 5K we have here after all. I might even be able to jog a little......if the baby is born this weekend, I could have 6 weeks to rest and get ready.  And I would have time to register under the cheaper price...haha

5. Darren is the new scout master in our ward, and he is pretty gung-ho about it.  I'm not sure if it is more annoying to live with all my brothers who despised  scouts and fought it EVERY STEP OF THE WAY, or if it is worse to live with an enthusiastic adult who shows me nerdy scout decals he could put on his truck.  In any case, he is working hard to get things going, and I can't help but admire that.

So I guess my brothers win...they were more annoying.

6. The way people stare at my belly in public is not super sweet anymore. There are still plenty of sweet looks, but there are a lot of gawking looks.  I know I'm not THAT big, but people look at me like I am.  Or I am just overly self-conscious, but I do get a lot of weird, smile-free stares.

7. A bone to pick: Creepy dudes who think they can talk pregnancy with first time moms.  I don't mind those conversations as long as they remember that they have never actually been pregnant, but I cannot tell you how many men speak as though they gave birth themselves.  The "knowing" smiles FREAK ME OUT.  No, YOU DON'T know.  You are creepy, is what you are.

8. I went to a local playgroup play date for a FB page I am a part of for local moms this week. It was actually a lot of fun.  After the baby is born (and a good little amount of time has passed) I want to participate more often.  I haven't met new people in ages.  Not going to school limits a lot of that.  Getting married limits a lot of that.  Working with all the same customers/patients limits a lot of that.  Not working REALLY limits a lot of that.  Anyway, a friend from high school and I met up there (she actually has a kid) so we could meet some of the other moms in person.  We really enjoyed it, and will definitely be going back.

9. I've become such a whiner about wanting to have this baby.  I've considered starting a Twitter account just so I can get it out and not have it all over my Facebook or blog, and to hopefully stem the tide of whining that poor Darren has to listen to.  But I'm afraid I would become addicted to the Twitter-complaints, and every thought that went through my head would make it to the WWW.  So guys will just have to deal with it or go elsewhere to blog stalk.

10. Tonight I am going to a GNO Shelf-Reliance party that Erin is hosting.  I will not be buying anything (though I really wish I could...I hear the stuff is fantastic), but I'm so excited for the soup that will be served, and that I am finally able to even go to something like this.  I've always got other plans, or am just too lazy to go through the trouble.  I'm pretty stoked about this.  At this point, if the baby decides to be born today, I will be a little upset. She's waited this long, she can at least wait until I get my hands on that soup and get some good laughs in for the night.

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