Friday, January 18, 2013

It's Fwiday!

Today marks my last day at work. 

I am going out with a bang as far as my appearance goes...I showered before bed last night, which means my hair is one unruly mess this morning.

But I got to sleep until nearly 8:30, so it is so worth it.


Darren and I attended the only session of childbirth/parenting classes that I think we can stomach.  I really wanted to go so that we could participate in the group tour of the birthing center.  I feel much more confident in my visualizations of this whole even now. (the rooms have changed a bit since I was there in high school doing my little clinicals).

9 o'clock at night is a little late to allow a class to end, especially for the massively pregnant.  I saw lots of droopy eyes around the room through my own.  It made it hard to care about what she was teaching, even though she is a good teacher.

Except she said "umbiblical" chord one too many times. I wanted to correct her, but I figure she's been in the job long enough to know the correct way to say it, maybe her tongue just breaks when she says that word. Other than that, I don't see much of an excuse.

Darren can't get over how ridiculous the term "bag of waters" sounds.  I kind of agree.

She couldn't get her computer to work, so we didn't get to watch a birth.  No problem, though, because Darren and I totally took care of that a couple weeks ago via Youtube.  We are so ready.


There is a free pot-bellied pig on the farm and ranch page I'm a member of on Facebook (no judging....there are a lot of cute pets and manly equipment my husband might like on there, so I like to keep tabs on it...I'm not a farming poser...yet).  I that the ad began, "I have a hot male pot-bellied pig...".  It really just says, "I have a male pot-bellied pig", but my crazy eyes made me look twice. I was like, "Wow...I need to see this pig."

I think a pot-bellied pig would make such a cute pet. 


Yesterday I experienced a most uncharacteristic burst of motivation and energy.  I'm not sure if it was the mythical burst people speak of the precedes labor, but I got a lot done.  And the nag to keep it going hasn't died yet.  I still have plenty to do, and undo, from yesterday to get it all done (I went into work 2 hours late because of this weirdo need to work on things).  I was super tired last night, but there was no winding me down.  I tried to fight the urge to fold baby clothes by taking a hot bath, but I ended up only prolonging the laundry experience.  So I watched some shows on Netflix and folded laundry and ate crackers.  Like a crazy lady. I also organized my hospital bag (which is still missing lots of stuff, but at least I finally settled on a headband for me and take-home outfits for the wee one...and bought and packed Jolly Ranchers).

The nag is so great that I almost want to forbid her to be born until I am finished, and that is saying something.


I had a dream last night that a lady from the ward was helping me with a minor sewing project and to "help" she needed to cut up my baby quilt that I just made.  She snipped it straight down the center, with me screaming "Stop it!!!!" the whole time.  She just goes, "Oh, why? I need to do this".  I sobbed.  And sobbed. And sobbed. And screamed.  And wanted to choke her.  I also complained to my parents in the dream, who were appalled.  I couldn't even fathom a way to repair the damage she had done.

I have never been so relieved to wake up.

And I am not sure I can ever forgive this offense.  I don't care if it was a dream.

1 comment:

Emelie Leifi said...

I am so pumped for you (and darren, too, i guess). Please dont be one of those greedy new mamas that dont post newborn pics til their babies are, like, startin pre-k! we need pics when your lil cutie gets here! Good luck and i hope your experience is perfect...for you, baby, and yo' baby daddy. :)