Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The sweetest parts of being married

Hey Fans! I know I know, it has been forever. But in my defense I've been getting married and stuff, which happens to take a lot of time.

And by stuff I mean catching up on the first three seasons of Parks and Recreation. Holy cow! That show is so hilarious. I CANNOT get enough of Ron Swanson.

Like, seriously.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share some of my very favorite parts of being married to Mr. Hottie:

1. Getting to see his cute face walk through the door every evening carrying his "lunch pail" (I don't know...maybe the California school systems were heavily influenced by "Little House on the Prairie", but that's what he calls it.  I love it.

2. Whenever I happen to cook something delicious (which happens to be everything....if he knows what's good for him...), and he compliments it with a kiss.

3. While laying in bed each night slowly drifting to sleep, holding hands for a few minutes.  Then we turn away from each other and actually go to sleep (never to touch again for the duration of the night if we can help it....we are in the market for a dirt cheap (FREE!) king size bed, by the way).

4. Getting to share almost everything. Especially his Fruit Loops (I warned him there was a good chance I would eat a lot of it....turns out I was right).

5. Getting to refer to him as "my husband".

6. Getting to share the same last name finally.

7. Getting to talk about our future kiddos, and planning out their names. And their mile-deep dimples.

8. The fact that he trusts me to do his laundry, even after I turned half of my new towels into nasty tire-cleaning cloths. I mistakenly washed a stupid floor rug with my towels. Didn't know it was going to bleed on everything and suck the softness right out of it all. Sigh....however, don't think that I don't still use them. A towel is a towel.

9. Not having to leave every night to go home. I already am home.

10. Laughing with him.


Erin said...

I also call it a lunch pail. What else are you supposed to call it?

Husband also trusts me to do his laundry - I don't understand why.

Emily said...

I've always heard it called a lunch kit, or a lunchbox. The first time I heard him say lunch pail I thought he was joking, but he wasn't. And I don't think he appreciated my mocking laughter, but don't worry, I don't judge you. I have come to respect it. I guess maybe it's a western thing....or I just live in a really sheltered place.

Shelby Bingham said...

Hi, Emily! I met you a few weeks ago (from the same town as your in-laws). I just thought I'd check out your blog and wanted to put my 2 cents in on this one. It must be a western thing, 'cause it is totally a lunch pail to me and my husband. But now that we are here in Texas we have to call it a lunch kit because our kids look at us like we are from another planet (totally judging us) when we say lunch pail. And speaking of laundry, I hope you are pinning all the awesome laundry tips on pinterest that I wish I had known 20 years ago when I first got married. :)