Saturday, February 11, 2012

Por que?

Is there ever a convenient time to be sick? Heck no.

Every time it happens I declare to myself repeatedly, "I DO NOT have time for this!".  But it changes nothing.

I suppose my biggest beef at this moment is that I actually went to bed last night with a little over 8 hours until my alarm was supposed to blow (amazing, right??).  The thrill of that alone made me want to fall asleep.

Guess who has been tossing and turning for the last 3 and a half hours because she has a knife in her ear and throat, and every little swallow shot her mind straight to a painful consciousness of the situation? now I am sipping a gross concoction of hot honey, lemon juice and water, hoping to at least take the edge off of the throat pain.

If I have to miss tonight's pre-conference dinner with the girls I am going to be tiiiicked.


Erin said...

Dude, I feel your crafting pain - from the bottom of my crappy-craft soul.

I really liked the last Les Mis movie they did - with old what's-her-name and Liam Neeson. I don't find Liam Neeson physically attractive at all, but his voice...HELLO!

Erin said...

And I've just realized that I totally put the previous comment on the wrong post. Good grief.

Emily said...

I lurve Liam Neeson. I think he's hot for an old dude, and his voice IS, delicious. And I do like that version too, I'm mostly excited for the music to be included, and hopefully this time they won't leave out so many key characters.