Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Plans and such

I'm feeling sappy and twitterpated, much like I do at the end of every day.  I don't know what girls like me did before blogs....I have to talk to SOMEBODY.

Anyway, here are a few reasons why I think Darren is such a swell guy:
  • He tells me I'm beautiful all the time, and even when he lays it on too thick, I can't help but believe him.
  • He won't let me walk all over him.  Or, in other words, he'll go toe-to-toe when necessary, which helps me remember to respect his opinions and wishes.
  • He is supportive of (the majority of) my decisions. 
  • His face has me distracted at all times. I never knew I could be so in awe of someone's looks....he is so stinking handsome.
In other news:

1. Every mommy on Facebook has no less than 1 sick child, and most of them have 2 or 3. Congratulations, I am once again deterred from the desire to have children.

(2. Except I'm not...I want babies really badly. I just don't want them to be sick.)

3. Tony's Chachere's is, hands down, the BEST seasoning ever created. What do people who are ignorant of it's existence/benefit do? I can't fathom such a life.

4. My HEB has a super sweet deal on blackberries right now.  I don't know how long it lasts, but my survival instincts tell me it is only good as long as supplies [on the table in produce] last.  Mom, I bought us 5 boxes.  But I left them in Darren's fridge, so remind me to bring them home, should the thought cross your mind. 

5. Is it tacky to hand deliver invitations?? I calculated a guestimate of how much the stamps alone will cost, and it is a hiiiiigh number. I'm thinking of just putting them in a box in the foyers at church and letting people dig for them.

6. We met with the cake lady this weekend! My cake is going to be so gorgeous...I am excited.  Also, it will be outrageously delish. 

1 comment:

Erin said...

1. I currently have no sick children! Let's celebrate!

3. It's true. I lived without it for almost 30 years. Now we use it on everything. If we ever move away from here, we'll be ordering if off the Internet.

4. Nom Nom Nom.

5. I vote no, it's not tacky. Postage is sooooo expensive now and it seems really personal to get one handed to you. But, I'm not exactly the Queen of Correctness, so...