Tuesday, January 7, 2014

11 months

So...apparently I only post on a monthly basis now. Sigh.

Emma is 11 months old! Less than a month away until she is a whole YEAR old! So strange.

She plays like a toddler. She is very aware of everything, and she plays in a very focused way. We think she is a genius.

To celebrate we bought her a new-to-us crib for a super low price! I'm pretty excited about that because the crib she'd been sleeping in was pretty old, and the mattress wouldn't go low enough. Her chances of throwing herself over the side have decreased by about a billion.

A Few of the Things About Emma That We Find Hilarious/Adorable/Inspiring/Rewarding/ETC:

  • She waves. I die. The words "hi", "bye", and "goodnight" are her prompt words. She frequently waves at the mirror and smiles (OH THE CUTENESS). She is really into double waves as well (both hands involved..again, OH THE CUTENESS).
  • Her ability to imitate improves daily. We have grunting wars several times throughout the day. 
  • She knows no obstacle and is a bit of a climber. She loves to climb on and off my parents' hearth, and if there is something, such as a box, between her and her objective, she will climb on it as much as necessary to accomplish her goal. This is dangerous. 
    • Sitting on a bar stool at my mom's the other day while Emma was doing some ground exploration, I was made aware of her unexpectedly close presence when I noticed her little feet kicking in  my periphery--she had climbed over the lowest rungs of the stool I was on and was basically planking on them, unable to move forward or backward. 
  • She makes herself laugh. She does this by either doing something hilarious, like throwing her socks down and picking them up again, or by making funny sounds. Sometimes she can entertain herself for minutes at a time.
  • She LOVES Jack Donaghy (the dog)....from a distance. Not even a distance really, she just needs a measure of protection. She isn't a fan of sitting alone on the floor where he can just lick her head willy nilly. Her favorites are beating on the windows in the kitchen door when he's on the other side and playing with him through the doggy gate. 
  • She watches us to make sure we notice her. She is shy, yet she craves attention. Often this means throwing her head into my neck, then checking to make sure the other person is watching, then going crazy for a few seconds (in which I nearly drop her every. time.), then diving her face into my neck again. Last Saturday she bought me an extra half hour of sleep by playing hard to get with Daddy as he was heading out to work on the yard. Everywhere he walked, she would follow with her head and "talk to him". She even would go towards his location in the room by crawling across the bed (thanks to me for her not crawling right off the edge). She flirted so hard (and I complained so hard), that eventually he just gave in and took her to the living room for some one-on-one cartoon watching so I could sleep ;) ...bless her.
  • She has a very mischievous smile.
  • Her snuggles are the very best in the history of snuggling babies.
  • She is an angry crib stripper. As in, she attempts to yank off her clothing if she's angry enough when she's left to cry in her crib. 
  • She is slooooooooooooooooowly grasping the concept of kissing. She tried to make-out with me a few times the last couple days, and I loved it. Open-mouthed baby kisses are the BEST!

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