Friday, August 9, 2013

New Blog

I'm a little bit scared to present this baby to the world, but here I go.

I have created a new blog.  It is not a replacement for this one, but rather a place to vomit all of the thoughts and ideas and opinions that swirl around in my head all day with no place to go.  It is devoted to all things motherly and  I am/will be disgustingly honest in some places (so if you don't want to hear some of the yuckies of post partum recovery, feel free to steer clear).  I want it to be a helpful site for any who need it to be, but mostly it is, as I said, a place I can plaster my momly thoughts in an honest way and feel like "someone" is listening, even if it is just that creepy dude with no friends on the other side of the country.

Plus it will free up space in my mind and on this blog to not allllllllllllllllllllllways be talking about the ins and outs of raising Emma.

Please, come and visit :)

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