There are days when I can eat according to my fancy, but most days.....oh, most days.
Most days Baby dictates the moves I make. And when Baby says, "Get me some Chick-fil-a," it is super hard to tell it no.
Tuesday was one of those days (or was it Monday? Can't be sure...Baby has a hold on that as well). So after much persuasion, pleading, and downright begging, I convinced Darren that we needed to make a Chick-fil-a run. While we were at it we could go ahead and take care of the Wal-Mart run we also needed to make. We're efficient like that.
So we make our order and proceed as usual through the drive-thru toward the pick-up window. At the window they hand us our goodies and ask if we want any ketchup or sauce, after which I instruct Darren to ask for Chick-fil-a sauce (YUM) and ranch sauce.
She tried to hand him one of each.
I snickered. Darren hesitated while staring at her outstretched hands.
(Word to the wise: never hand a couple of fatties....AKA people who like to eat...such a meager amount of sauce)
He takes the sauce from her and says, "Can we get a few more? My wife is pregnant and really hormonal and really wants the stuff." (Hey, I'll take one for the team if it means we get a lot of sauce....)
She again hands him one of each and turns away, like that is the end our interaction.
(Quick math: Two adults, two orders of fries, two sandwiches.....4 total packets of sauce. Um. Never.)
I snickered again.
Then Darren says through his own smirk--not under his breath, mind you-- "Okay, I guess we're being stingy today..." and puts the truck in gear to leave.
That was when the sweet girl finally woke up. "Oh, did you guys want more?"
Um, yes. As a matter of fact we DO.
So she scooped us up a double handful and sent us off with the typical courtesy of "My pleasure!"
I'll bet it was.
We laughed for about 10 minutes about his accidentally heard stingy comment because it was totally rude, but he totally got away with it. And it totally got us the right amount of sauce.