Monday, July 16, 2012

Catch up

1. This has been a busy summer for this particular branch of the Brown family. Besides us working allllll the time, I've been busily trying to catch up on Bones (about halfway through the 6th season!) and Darren has been trudging through the original Star Trek series (mega dweeb... ;-)). Okay, so it's only been fake busy, but busy is busy.

2. It occurred to me today that our first married Christmas is less than 6 months away, and I still haven't figured out how to work my sewing machine, so I don't know when or how I will make our stockings! Bother.

3. My cousin Daniel's fiancee Jess (ex-roomie Jess) moved into our complex, in the building directly next to us. Pretty sweet. I went to hang out with them last night, and since I am currently Darrenless, and have nobody to talk to here at home, I am fairly certain I blabbed for a full hour before I left.  They might have said 12 words total.

4. Darren is at Annual Training for the next couple of weeks, which means I am experiencing Military Wife Hurdle #1. It definitely isn't easy, but I comfort myself in knowing that he is in a humidity free environment, and when these two weeks are up, I can be proud that I made it.

I might make it by crying myself to sleep every night while sniffing his t-shirts, but hey, I'll make it.

5. I get to house a few girls for Youth Conference next weekend. Stoked! I love the youth program, but never want a calling there. I just want to be invited to hang out (because I'm a creeper like that).  Housing them means I'm practically invited to the dances.  Also, I was asked to be one of the picture-takers, soooooo.....if anyone has a fit about my booty on the dance floor, I'm going to flash them my fake press pass.

6. My sister-in-law Jaymie is coming to visit us in August! I am super duper excited about that, and am really hoping to sell the area to her so that she moves nobody spoil that for me by telling her the truth, okay? =)

1 comment:

Louise Jeter said...

Coming in August, she can probably figure the truth out for herself....heat and bugs abound,the ground is flat, and there's a scarcity of men. Charming place to be for a single young lady! But, I'm with you, I hope she moves here, too; she's a lot of fun.