Friday, March 9, 2012

I was kind of a stripper in my youthlier days

1. My bouquet is ordered! I would like you all to be really excited in my behalf. One more major thing off the to-do list!

2. Mr. Hottie is away this weekend for drill....blah blah. I know it happens every month, but it is kind of a big deal to me each time.  This month he took my car (wayyyyy easier on the wallet), which means I am driving his truck. I learned how to drive in an Astro van and drove that sucker through high school, but oh. my. heck.

I miss my little car.

Driving the truck feels a lot like I might be driving this:

...might as well be.

3. Coworker Courtney and I watched some water birthing videos on YouTube this morning. Life=changed. If I could have a video of her watching the videos, I'm pretty sure the hits would be through the roof.  It was hylarious!

And no. By saying my life is changed I am in NO way indicating a new preference for childbirth method. I am actually quite turned off to the idea. Hospital it is for me, chaps. No water tubs necessary.


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