Thursday, March 7, 2013

Short musings

She went from being squirmy and fussy to this ^^^  in a matter of seconds.


Darren is currently passed out on the couch, and Emma is passed out in her crib.  Me? I'm ashamed to say that it didn't occur to me to pass out until I typed the previous sentence.  And now it's too late, because Her Majesty will be awake soon (I assume) and need my services.

The point is that I don't really have anything to do, so here's a blog post.

She is becoming more difficult to carry around in her car seat.  Apparently I should have been bulking up in preparation for carrying her fat hiney around town.

She smiles more and more, though not on purpose.  However, I played with her lips with her little gum brusher today and got some really cute little smiles.  

She has her daddy's face, down to the mile-deep double dimples. Success!

I really need to remember to buy some moisturizing hand soap next time I get soap....I wash my hands so much, and the skin is beginning to feel like it could fall off in pretty big chunks at any moment.

She is finally big enough for the swing! She sat in it for a good little while today while I worked on supper.  She even fell asleep.  Normally she hates to be abandoned to seats and such, and never lasts longer than 5 minutes at best.  The swing and I stand a very good chance of becoming best friends.  That was the most food preparation I've been able to accomplish without stopping since she was born.  Hallelujer.


David Jeter said...

I think her froggy milk-belly is about to explode out of that poor onesie. I'm going to become a baby fashion designer and make a revolutionary onesie cut that accomodates frog-bellies.

Anonymous said...

Have you thought about getting one of those wrap things and leaving the car seat in the car? Those bulky things weigh 5,000 lbs and are not user friendly. My SIL has several wraps and loves them. My nephew is a chunk but she has no problem strapping him on and doing stuff. Plus, it's hands free.

Emily said...

I am seriously wanting one actually, and am budgeting for them. Will hopefully be ordering the fabric to make them next week.