Friday, August 20, 2021

26.5 Weeks Big

 Pregnancy update. This is not necessarily a pretty update. Just a real one haha 

Brain dump beginning now:

I'm officially feeling it. All of it. When baby isn't kicking my bladder, he's hugging my lungs. When I feel so hungry I might die, I can only eat three bites before I feel so full I might die. Every muscle and joint below my ribs is in full-fledged survival mode. My belly band is such a huge help, but also a double-edged sword. It fixes one set of problems while introducing a new set. Still, it's nice to have options. **Choose your pain**

Speaking of pain, I'm dealing with an endometriosis flare. UNCOOL, BODY. UNCOOL. For a long while there during this pregnancy, my endo symptoms were sleeping peacefully. The last few weeks have seen a ramping up in discomfort and light pain, and this week brought actual pain. Cursesssss.

Braxton-Hicks are going nice and strong. They've been here all along, but the bigger the uterus, the bigger the feels. So that's fun. 

Baby is so wiggly! He's constantly dancing, stretching, swimming, punching, and kicking. His recreation routine is second to none. My hunger to hold him and kiss his squishy face is practically tangible. 

My belly is officially a table upon which I can rest my eating vessels. 

The energy and umph it takes to leave the house after 4 PM is unreal. That's about when my mind and body begin to calculate how close bedtime is, and anything that interferes with that calculation is my literal enemy. 
