Saturday, August 31, 2013

Going into Labor Day Weekend

1. Well folks, we did it. We sold my car! Peace out, car payment. I won't be missing you.

2. We took the leftover cash and purchased a used vehicle for a small-ish sum of money. It feels really good to own a car, even if it isn't in exactly pristine condition.

3. Emma is HILARIOUS. I wish I could somehow show off all of the funny faces, sounds, and actions she makes on a daily basis. She keeps me rolling.

4. She has the most ungraceful crawly-scoot in the world. She definitely uses her face to help maintain momentum.

5. Darren bought me a cast iron skillet last week. Pancakes have never tasted so delicious.

6. I cannot believe that Emma will be 7 months old next week. So much time has passed, yet it feels like we brought her home last week. And it feels like she has been with us for eternity. How can it feel so many different ways at one time?!

7. This baby bedding design website is a little bit addicting. It also gives me baby fever something fierce.

8. Darren and I have instituted a weekly date night ritual that we try really hard to be faithful to: ice cream at a local parlor that is reminiscent of those in the olden days.  Sometimes we find a babysitter, and sometimes we just bring Emma along. I officially have a testimony of spousal dating.

9. Have a good Labor Day weekend!

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