Saturday, May 19, 2012

Bus tours

Things that made going to the temple awesome yesterday:

1. Being there with my super hot hubzy.

2. Running into everyone and their grandmother from our stake.

Except my own grandmother. She was out of town I believe.

3.  Finding my Aunt Ruthie and Uncle Russell there! (, not married to each other....Uncle Russell is my other aunt's husband...just to clarify). So neato mosquito. Aunts and uncles give such good hugs. Especially in the temple.

4. The fact that our session was full. Over full, in fact. Guess who stumbled into a session populated almost 100% by senior citizens on a TEMPLE BUS TOUR from UTAH! It was glorious.  I guess it's kind of like going on a cruise.....except you're all old. And in a bus. They even had name tags for their street clothes, and were taking all kinds of pictures outside.

Livin' it up.

Didn't even know those things existed.

5. I submit that it is easier to go into a session the first time than it is the second time. First of all, everyone held my hand the first time and told me what to do and where to go every step of the way. For the second time around, however, nobody knew I still didn't have a clue. Going through for somebody else is an entirely different experience, and I was so scared of completely botching it (which I almost did, several times....and I hadn't even made it to the chapel yet).  We decided to hold back so that the oldies could have priority seating, so by the time we got to the room there was only one little aisle seat left on one of the back rows, so Darren got to go sit in one of the folding chairs brought in by one of the workers at the very front, next to the male half of the only other couple in the room below the age of 75, and I was in the very back. After I was seated, I thought to myself of how terrified I was because I couldn't remember much of anything from the first time I went. "Surely these ladies are all grandmas. If nothing else, they're in the temple, so they can't be mean to me." I leaned over to the one next to me and tapped her elbow. She smiled oh-so-sweetly and I said, "This is only my second time (to which she interrupted with "Oh how wonderful!"), so if you see me struggling, please help me." Lots of smiles were exchanged between her, the lady next to her, and myself, so I felt comfortable enough.

Angels that they are, they did help me in my more confused moments. Bless them.

6. The lady in front of me was apparently hard of hearing. Her neighbor had to shake her arm anytime she needed to be aware of what was going on.

7. The lady three seats to my right fell asleep. Either that, or she snores in a conscious state.

8. Being there with my super hot hubzy. I sure married a good guy.

In other news:

Darren's military ID expired back in April, which has been an inconvenience to the both of us because A) he can't really do everything he needs to with it, and B) did you know those suckers will get you through toll booths for free? Yeah. I know, it's totally awesome.  So yesterday on our trek out to H-town we procured a new one. His picture is significantly more handsome than the one he got at boot camp, and he wore his uniform all morning, which means I got to look at him in his uniform all morning. Rrrrrowwwwrr.

1 comment:

Sadie said...

Don't worry Emily, I still have problems remembering every little line! There will always be some sweet lady who will help without batting an eye!