Sunday, April 22, 2012

Welcome to The Ward

Today was our first Sunday in our new ward. Here's the rundown:

1. I was sustained. You're looking at the second counselor in the Relief Society presidency, which is funny because I'm still trying to learn to like RS. I feel like I made really good progress in the singles branch, but that was a small group of girls my age, and all in the same basic circumstances. This is a ward, with a lot of old ladies, most of whom I don't know anymore or have never met.

To quote my handsome husband who was referring to a different calling possibility for himself, (read it with feeling): "I don't want that calling, but I wouldn't put it past the Lord to humble me!"

That about sums it up.

2. I thought there was going to be a fight in Sunday School. There were a lot of differing opinions, and those who expressed them weren't totally above being hostile. It was glorious.

3. Sister-in-law Sarah, who just had a baby, is still playing hookie from church (baby is still really young). My brother is on the high council and had an assignment today. Sarah's mother went back home on Friday. End result of all of these circumstances: Aunt Emily and Uncle Darren were asked to take the boys to church. The 7, 5, and 3 year olds.

I don't remember a thing that was said in any of the talks.

But I did confiscate first a long "magnet stick" of some sort that collapsed on itself like an antenna from Nathaniel. It definitely wasn't collapsed while in his hands. After that we had to take away a fist-sized bouncy ball.

4. Then we came home, ate a tasty little crockpot meal, and took a 4.5 hour nap.

Getting out of church at 12 is awesome.


Erin said...

1. It took me until age 27 to like Relief Society. And then until 31 to feel like I needed to be in there.

3. I'm pretty sure I haven't heard a word that's been said at church for almost two years. But that's ok. Because my kid is pretty entertaining most of the time.

Emily said...

I'm glad we share Relief Society sentiments...I'm not sure I'll ever feel like I need to be there though.